7 Quarantine Date Night Ideas

7 Quarantine Date Night Ideas

Date nights don’t need to be non-existent during this quarantine. You can still have fun and somewhat do the same things you did before….just with a twist. But, if you’re having some struggles in this department, that’s all good because that’s why I am here! I am going to give you 7 quarantine date night ideas.

First things first– ( if you’re new here, this is usually how I start my posts) date nights don”t have to be these elaborate plans! In my shay dictionary, a date night is just a night where you and your partner get to enjoy some undisturbed time together. Whether that is at home, at the movies, dinners, or even just taking a walk. Okay, now lets get into it!

Card and Board Games

This is basic but, always fun. You know you get the urge to play monopoly some nights. So, pull out your old board games from your childhood and take it back to Friday night game nights. If you don’t have any games, make a quick (mask and gloved up) trip to Walmart and buy some.

Other than board games, there are a ton of card games that you can play, The good thing about card games is that we all individually always know one that someone else doesn’t. You can teach your partner some new games from your childhood or, you can learn a new game together.

Video Games

Video-games are always fun and playing a good game of let’s say, Mario Kart is always a go-to. Video games aren’t always just on a console, you can play online games, apps and much more! An even better way to play is by making up challenges! For example, play best out of three, and whoever loses has to drink ketchup or something. To make it less quarantine-y and a lot more fun, go crazy.

Art and Wine Night

7 Quarantine Date Night Ideas

If you’ve ever gone to paint and wine nights, you know how fun they are. With your at-home version, you can take it to better lengths and have a great time. Since you’re at home, it doesn’t have to only be painting, you can do all forms of art. You can paint, draw, do an arts and craft activity and so much more. That’s the beauty of Amazon.

An even better way to do this is drunk! Drink as many glasses of wine as you want and see who makes the best creation.

At Home Movie Night Experience

7 Quarantine Date Night Ideas

An at-home movie night experience is always fun. Who wouldn’t love watching a new movie from the comfort of your own home? And now with quarantine, you can! A lot of movies have been releasing straight to streaming sites or found somewhere online.

My boyfriend actually created this experience a few weeks ago and put a lot of thought into it (so cute right?) He made a PowerPoint presentation that included movies, snacks, and drinks with prices, (I had to pay in kisses) and then he made the couch into a nice comfortable fort. It was perfect and enjoyable.

Cooking Together

Who doesn’t like food? I love food and I absolutely love trying out new recipes. Why not play “restaurant” and make a 3 course meal together? Create an appetizer, the meal, and lastly the desert. This will be a fun experience and a learning moment.

We made bolognese and margaritas!

7 Quarantine Date Night Ideas

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are always fun and exciting and being locked up in the house can make you go stir crazy. So, create a scavenger hunt of random things around the house and a list with clues of where to find them. This will allow you both to get moving and feel a little less cooped up.

Nerf Gun Fight Manhunter Version

We’ve all seen these videos on Facebook and have wanted to recreate them. Well, nows the time! You can buy all of the necessities on Amazon and then prepare your home. The manhunt version is simply just creating it as if you were in a laser tag obstacle and letting the other person try to find you. This also counts as working out.

Okay, that’s it! For more quarantine ideas, check out my latest post on new shows to watch!

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Shay, Bye!
