How to Stay Healthy During Quarantine

How to Stay Healthy During Quarantine

I have been home for about 8 weeks and just left the house for the first this past Sunday. Quarantine rules have been strict over here in Spain and it has been a little daunting. To avoid going stir crazy and feeling burnt out, I have been trying to remember to take care of all the elements in my life so, I want to share how to stay healthy during quarantine with you all!

Whenever we think of health, we all think it simply means the physical aspects but no, it’s all areas! This post is going to dive into all the elements (that I think are important) that make us whole. Now, I’m not licensed or anything and these are simply things that I do to keep up my spirits! 


Since we’re all locked up at home right now, with limited movements and an abundance of food….I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.
I personally love food and sleep which can have bad results when you’re not being active. One of the first things I wanted to keep up with when we first went on lockdown was staying active and getting things done.

The most important thing is our health because it affects a variety of things in our lives and staying active at home and eating right isn’t impossible.

  • Workout 

I know some people say they prefer gyms and only like working out outdoors but working out from home is super simple. You honestly can do the exact same things and you only need a yoga mat. However, If you want to be fancy, then order some equipment on amazon. I recently just ordered workout bands, that come in different weights. They help and stay out of the way.

Also, Pinterest exists! You can find a ton of home workouts that will give you a good “burn.” I work out three times a week and I normally start out by doing some yoga then get into a 40-60 minute routine. I downloaded these from Pinterest and it’s what I do.

  • Meal Prep

I personally think meal prepping during this time is perfect for not only staying healthy but remembering to eat. I won’t lie, I have gone days where I’ve only eaten a bag of chips. This happens because our days have blended into each other and our schedules are so out of whack that we honestly forget and don’t feel hungry.

Having meals prepped helps with planning out your day better and making sure to eat a healthy and hearty meal. Plus, I haven’t been in the mood to cook so cooking once a week or twice, is perfect.

  • Healthy Snacking 

I know that big, bag of chips looks amazing but…we need to be healthy sis! I have been trying to have a good balance with snacking fruits or veggies and then eating some “sweets” once in a while. If we’re only eating junk, we’re going to come out of this quarantine looking like junk.

How to Stay Healthy During Quarantine

The snacks I have been loving and snacking on are fruits, veggies, nuts, and salads! I will chop up vegetables and eat them with hummus, make a fruit salad, or make a grilled chicken salad. These taste so great and make me feel better and energized.

Mental & Spiritual 

I put these two together because, in my opinion, they can’t work without each other. In order to feel mentally right, my soul needs to feel rejuvenated! I actually wrote a blog post about that, which you can read here.

When your soul is right, and you feel alright, your mind is going to be at ease. If you’re feeling down, unmotivated, or sick then this part is for you.
As I am writing this post, I have been feeling extremely un motivation all day and kind of sick. I think it is the lack of vitamin d, fresh air, and human interaction with people who aren’t my boyfriend.

When I do get into these moods, I like to practice mindfulness by meditating, praying, worshiping, journaling, and doing some bible plans!
I think these are the best practices that make you self aware in the moment and pinpoint what the issue is.

  • Meditation

I like to listen to ocean sounds and try to focus on myself and breathing. You can search up ocean noises on apple music, Spotify, or youtube. Or, you can use apps like Abide, Breath, and Calm.

  • Worship & Bible Plans

Honestly, Youversion has everything when it comes to all things the Lord so if you’re looking to find music, bible plans, daily tasks, and much more then this is the app for you!

  • Journaling

Once again, I shall plug Pinterest. I honestly just search journaling prompts and get into the right headspace. You can also buy a pre-planned journal on Amazon. I have the Steal Like An Artist journal that keeps me calm and also sparks my creativity.

How to Stay Healthy During Quarantine


When I say emotional, I mean emotional connections. Are you keeping in contact with friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else you like speaking to? This is super important for those of us who live alone. Living alone during this time can have a bad effect on your mental health and overall well being.

So, make sure you’re speaking to others on a daily basis, even if that means sending a meme or commenting on a social media post. Any interaction matters. Another great thing to do is to join online groups like Facebook groups or play games that require you to interact with people on the internet. We don’t want you going stir crazy now!


That is it for this post! I hope you are all doing well during this quarantine and focusing on yourselves and well being! What have you all been doing?

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IG/Twitter: @sjkaine

Facebook: shayslife 

Pinterest: @shennamu

Snapchat: @uncool_shaaay. 


Shay, Bye!



  1. Katy Malkin
    May 7, 2020 / 5:33 pm

    Yoga has definitely helped me mentally and physically! Highly recommended.

  2. May 7, 2020 / 6:38 pm

    These are all great! Staying healthy and eating clean is very important! It’s easy to feel sluggish and like a bum during this time, but we got this! Keep on grinding!

  3. May 7, 2020 / 6:59 pm

    I really like your post and the tips that you give. They are doable and accurate. Thanks for sharing.