Why You Should Move Abroad

Why You Should Move Abroad

When I moved to Spain last fall, I was so happy. Living abroad had been on my bucket list since I was a little kid. I’ve always loved to travel and see the world. Our universe is so large that why wouldn’t you? There are so many places to see, people to meet, and things to do. I was reading an article earlier so, I decided to share with you why I personally think it is important to move abroad and experience living amongst others that you’re not used to. 

One of the most amazing aspects of living abroad is simply exploring and seeing the world. I’ve heard people say that they don’t have a passport or have only traveled an hour away from their home town and I find that so surprising. I grew up traveling, whether it was going to visit family in a different state, going camping, or going to an amusement park like Disney, and as I’ve aged, I’ve continued to want to find ways to incorporate it into my everyday life. 

There are 7 continents and hundreds of cultures in the world that I think we should all experience. Even if it’s just living in one country like Spain, you get a taste of Spaniards, their lifestyles, food, and just their everyday lives. It’s a cool thing to experience because it takes you out of your bubble and into theirs. 

Another aspect is becoming more aware of other cultures. A lot of people don’t realize that there are different cultures all over. Sadly, I’ve spoken to some people who think Asia and Africa are countries and that China, Japan, and Korea make up Asia. That’s the danger of not opening yourself up to other people and places. Also, even a country like my own; Liberia, it’s not just Liberians per say, we have different tribes. Each tribe is different and you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t look into it or visit! 

Our universe is too big and beautiful to not be aware of other people. Learning about others cultures is so wonderful and fun. I love to eat and to talk to people about what they love in their native counties. It’s just great to connect and share different aspects of life with others. 

The final aspect is relaxation and happiness. Living in another country or taking the time to just visit can really change your mindset. When I was living in Spain, I noticed quickly that they were so chill and slower with life. At first, it annoyed me. Living in Boston, we are so fast-paced with everything that I always am quick with whatever I do. 

Living in Madrid slowed me down and taught me to stop and smell the roses. Living abroad can truly change the way you view life and I think that it wonderful. Getting away from your everyday schedule can boosts your happiness levels and just make you have more of an appreciation for life. 

So, I suggest looking into how you can live abroad and take a break from your everyday life. Look into teaching abroad, a gap year program, studying abroad, or taking a sabbatical from your job. You will be happy that you did! 

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