5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin

5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin

The best feeling is when people ask you if you’re wearing a foundation and you aren’t! During my junior year of college, I stopped wearing makeup and began to fully invest in my skincare. I’ve probably mentioned before that I stopped wearing makeup regularly because I felt dependent on it and my skin wasn’t as healthy. So, over the last few years, I’ve come up with 5 ways to have healthy glowing skin and today I’ll share those secrets with you!

The key to having healthy, glowing skin is truly just taking care of it. No, you don’t have to stop wearing makeup and spend hundreds of dollars on skincare products, you just need to have the right products and a routine. The two products that I recently started using this year are serums and oils. I never knew much about serums and I thought putting oil on your face was a no-no. Wrong! They’re great for your skin, 

  1. Serum

Serums are like moisturizers but they do not replace said moisturizer. From my understanding, using a serum before moisturizing allows the ingredients to penetrate deeply into your skin. It also helps with the texture of your skin, by making it smoother and hydrating it. Your skin needs to be hydrated to look healthy. 

I’ve been using hyaluronic acid (you’ve probably heard that name a lot recently) serum that I bought at a store in Madrid and it is amazing. The texture is definitely different from a moisturizer and I feel like it’s an amazing base. I would recommend a hyaluronic acid or vitamin c. 

  1. Oil

Oils are also hydrating and keep your skin from looking dull. I (like most people) believed that oils clogged your pores but they don’t. They do a lot for the skin such as clearing away dark spots, blemishes, and working alongside your natural oils. I use rosehip oil and since using it, I definitely feel like my skin has more of a glow to it. 

5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin
  1. Face Mask

Face masks have become a part of society. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t use a face mask once or more a week. And because there are so many face mask options out there, there are plenty for skin brightening. I do a face mask one to two times a week and I try to use ones that brighten, hydrate, and firm the skin. They are a perfect addition to my skincare routine and after I do my entire routine, my skin feels refreshed. Marshalls actually has some amazing skincare products on a budget, so start there.

5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin
  1. Dull/Brightening Cleanser 

Okay not something that is going to bleach your skin but something that just brings your natural skin tone to life. There are so many factors that can affect your skin and make it look dull. Having dull skin isn’t fun and can make you look sick. Using a cleanser that is going to deeply cleanse your skin and “wake it up” is perfect! 

  1. Let Your Skin Breathe 

Lastly, some days you just gotta let your skin breathe. Go makeup-free, eat a full, healthy meal, and only drink water. I promise you, if you do this about twice a week, your skin will start to look better. Simple as that.

5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin

Now a bonus tip! To complete the glow of your face, you gotta pay attention to your lips too, honey. Do a lip scrub and make sure you’re applying chapstick throughout the day. If your lips look dry and ashy, that’s not cute. I swear by Blistex (the blue one) and I use it every time I wash my face and whenever my lips start to tingle. 

Another bonus? Okay, when your doctor says that what you consume plays a big role in your overall health, they’re telling the truth! Whenever I don’t drink enough water or eat rich foods, I can definitely look in the mirror and see dull skin. So, make sure you’re drinking enough water and eating right!

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5 Ways to Have Healthy Glowing Skin