How To Travel Safely During A Pandemic

How To Travel Safely During A Pandemic

I never thought that I’d live through a pandemic but hey, here we are. Like most, the coronavirus took away our summer plans and all hopes of travel and exploration. Originally, I was supposed to come back to the US in late September, however, we decided to come home two months earlier. (I did not want to get stuck in Spain and not see my family.) When the day came to travel, I was terrified! I have asthma, allergies, anemia, bronchitis issues, and much more so…yeah. I wanted to be safe, not contract anything nor make anyone else sick so, I did a few things to prepare! So, I’ll be sharing my tips on how to travel safely during a pandemic.  

I am going to break this up into sections, and give my tips (once again, not a guru) and things that I did to prepare and make sure that I was safe and clean. 

Before Flight – You should definitely prepare, and make sure you have everything in an accessible spot.


Prepare your clothing the night before and make sure it is something accessible and not too much/ For example, I chose to wear my ankle length black dress, adidas sneakers, and a cardigan if I got cold. Two simple items that I could easily maneuver and could be easily washed. They say that the virus can linger on your clothing so don’t wear anything important or that needs extra steps to be cleaned. Also, it made being in the airport and using the bathroom safer because I didn’t have to worry about too many layers. 


In your personal item, fill it with everything that you’ll need. So, your phone, laptop, chargers, water, etc. By doing this, you won’t need to go into your suitcase. As Naomi told us, airplanes are pretty nasty so to avoid continuously opening the baggage space and rummaging around in that hot box, you can have everything you need already on you. 

Hand sanitizer and Wipes

Pack these right up immediately! You should be wiping and cleaning your hands any chance you get— especially before you eat or touch your face. This is not excessive as some people think. I think a lot of people don’t realize that just because you’re clean, doesn’t mean other people are. There are some pretty nasty individuals in this world and you never know what someone may have wiped off of their hands. Keep a travel sized bottle of sanitizer on you at all times and use it at every stop.

During flight – These should be obvious because these are guidelines world wide. 

Wear A Mask 

This is obvious knowledge now. Please wear your mask and stop the spread of germs.

How To Travel Safely During A Pandemic

Wear gloves 

This isn’t required but it helps to feel more safe. Like I said, airplanes and airports are gross. 

Having A Reusable Water Bottle 

I always have my bottle on me (it’s eco friendly!) However,I think having this on the plane was important  this time around. I didn’t have to ask the flight attendant to get me water because I already filled my bottle up before the flight. I’ve seen flight attendants deal with trash and other people before handing someone a cup (with their fingers touching the rim and the inside.) That is gross and I do not want to mess with that. Have your own water and juice on hand. 

After Flight 

Clean Yourself 

Once you get to your destination, immediately wash your hands– always! No matter where you’re coming from but straight from a flight, I’d also say take a shower. 

Self quearine for 2 weeks 

Seriously. A lot of people don’t take it too seriously (guilty) but it should be taken seriously. You could have the virus and don’t know so for everyone else’s sake, be cautious. You don’t want them to trace it back to you!

Monitor Temperature 

This is something that I did for those 14 days after I arrived. I made sure to check my temperature as soon as I woke up and right before I went to bed. Like I said, its for everyone’s safety and if you do end up having the virus, better to catch it earlier rather than later. 

Okay, those are all of my tips and everything I did for my flight from Spain to Boston! What are some precautions that you took? Leave me a comment.

How To Travel Safely During A Pandemic

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  1. August 21, 2020 / 5:36 pm

    These are great tips!

    • shennamu
      August 28, 2020 / 12:20 am

      Thank you!

  2. August 21, 2020 / 5:55 pm

    Great tips for those who choose to travel during this interesting time!

    • shennamu
      August 28, 2020 / 12:20 am

      Glad you enjoyed these tips!

  3. August 22, 2020 / 12:32 am

    Thank you for the tips! I have not traveled during quarantine, but I hope we can follow these tips always!

    • shennamu
      August 28, 2020 / 12:20 am

      Yes! Glad you liked this post!