7 Ways To Travel During Quarantine

7 Ways To Travel During Quarantine

Hello, my beautiful quarantine friends (cue locked up by Akon!) Today, I have been feeling a little, sad travel bug. I was supposed to go to Romania in April but obviously “Auntie Rona” had some other plans. Even though traveling is canceled right now, you can still experience some sort of “trip” and I’m here to assist by giving you 7 ways to travel during quarantine.

First things first, don’t take this title seriously because obviously there is no *actual* way to travel right now, and even if there was, you still shouldn’t. Please, stay indoors and respect our healthcare workers and folk like me who have bad immune systems and previous illnesses. The more we stay inside, the sooner we will get back on our feet.

I was going through my email and actually saw an email from Conde Nast Traveler, and I realized that I haven’t posted a travel post in so long! So, after searching Pinterest, I saw some ideas about traveling from home so, here is my list! Let’s get into it.

Read Travel Books

I love to read and whenever I am reading something, I picture it in my head. So, if you’re reading a book such as Eat Pray Love, you’re going to imagine yourself as the protagonist, traveling through India, Italy and everywhere else she went.

Even though you may not physically be in that location, you will be able to visually insert yourself there. I suggest going on Amazon Kindle and looking through their travel books category and finding a fiction or non-fiction book to fulfill your needs.

Three suggestions are The Alchemist, Love With A Chance Of Drowning, and On The Road.

Buy A VR Headset

I recently just bought a cheap VR headset because I was starting to go stir crazy doing the same routine every day. I wanted to experience visually being in a different location and pretending to be doing something completely different than what I was currently doing.

The headset I bought was the Hamswan, which is budget-friendly and perfect in my opinion. You just plop your phone in the viewer and select whatever experience you want.

I have watched different youtube videos like concerts, being on a beach, mountain climbing, and traveling through cities and museums. There are a ton of videos and apps that you can find online and the one I recommend is Within.

I honestly enjoy it because for a split second, it does actually feel like you are on a beach in Bali instead of your tiny living room couch.

Plan A Future Trip

If you’re like me, you’re probably already planning to go on your post corona trip. I know I certainly want to make up all the trips I planned for this year. I genuinely love planning trips simply because I love looking at the beauty of cities and everything they have to offer.

Since my trip to Romania was canceled, I have gone on Pinterest and looked at different posts about the city and things that I can do, eat, and see and it has been both sad and fun. You can pretend you’re there or play out your day in your head…whatever floats your boat.

Watch a Travel Vlog

As I’ve said many times on this site and one of the reasons I moved to Madrid, was to travel and make Youtube videos. I love watching Youtube because its fun and truly shows off people’s creativity. I love watching DK4L, Fun For Louis, Kara and Nate, Lost LeBlanc, and a few others. I love these channels because they truly immerse you in the content, do a great job at filming everything, and are truly creative.

Whenever I watch travel content, I gush and imagine myself there. I honestly love traveling so, seeing cool and aesthetically pleasing videos make me excited and I immediately add it to my bucket list.

Order From Different Restaurants

Since everything is closed, one of the best things to do right now (if you have the money) is to order food and support local businesses. I love food and being able to try out food around the world is one of my favorite things! I swear, I’d become a traveling food critic.

One of the best ways to be immersed in a culture is by experiencing and tasting its food so, if you know of a foreign restaurant in your city, order from there! I swear, UberEats should give me a sponsorship because girl…I’m always ordering sushi or Indian.

Virtual Museum Tour

As I mentioned above in the section about VR headsets, a ton of museums around the world are doing free virtual tours where you can see new and old exhibits. How cool is that? I love going to museums when I travel and being able to see a museum from a city I may not get to go to for a while is pretty cool . Just go onto a museum of your choice website and check if they’re giving free online tours!

Relive Your Experience

Look at your old photos, make a scrapbook, share a travel story on your social. media and relive your trip! I was looking through my Pairs trip earlier and feeling super nostalgic and sad. I definitely wanted to go back this summer but that is okay! I can look at my photos and videos and reminisce!


That is it for this post! I hope you enjoyed and feel a little better about missing out on traveling. What’s the first trip you want to take after corona?

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Shay, Bye!



  1. May 18, 2020 / 10:26 pm

    Lol at “Aunt Rona”and Akon, what a perfect match! These are great ideas, especially love d the last photo.

    • shennamu
      May 18, 2020 / 11:42 pm

      Thanks girl!