Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

If you haven’t been living under a rock, you have definitely heard about “self-care.” From social media influencers, your friends, to doctors– in the recent year, massive self-care and love have been pushed to the front and I’m all for it. So, I want to share my Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine.

Self care is important to me because as humans, we deal with a lot on a daily basis and remembering to do something as little as a 5 minute breathing rest or planning an entire day to yourself once a month is perfect.

Now, self-care can be anything from laying in your bed and listening to music to going out and partaking in your favorite hobby. Its all about doing the things that make you the most happiest and relaxed.

But, with saying that, I believe everyone should set aside one day a month to have an ultimate self-care, pamper day. I mean, an entire day where you are selfish, doing whatever it is that you love and leaving your phone on silent. Like the meme, “music up, world down” or however it goes

So, if you don’t know how to have such a day, well, I’m going to let you know. This is how I plan my day so, don’t listen and follow it to a T and rather take it as an example and inspiration for your own day. Lets get into it.

Step One: Clean and Set the MOOD

You can’t have a relaxing day with a messy space. Well, I know I can’t. So before I even sit down and kick my feet up, I clean around my apartment. Dust and wipe down the tables, sweep and swifter, and wash any dishes. I personally enjoy cleaning so, this is also a little self carng for me.

Once I’m done cleaning, I light up my candles, put on my diffuser and set the mood for a chill, vibe and one must need a great playlist for this. Use your own music or my personal favorites, check out Lo-Fi Hip Hop, Nostalgic Jams and Majestic Casual. They’re perfect.

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Step Two: Bath Time

Okay, pay attention closely because there are STEPS to this hunny! This isn’t your typical “bath time” routine. This is your ultimate pamper routine and you’re going to need some exfoliator, razor or other hair removal product, hair and face mask and if you want to spice up the bougie; some flowers.

You’ve seen those photos on Instagram, of glowing, colorful bathtubs (ie: the photo below from google ) well, you can recreate it yourself!

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
(not my photo)

All you need are some flowers, (can be anything pretty) your favorite bubble bath and your favorite bath bomb. Voila, a masterpiece. I love bubble baths man. Like, they’re so relaxing and fun. Another tip, grab some wine and put on your favorite podcast!

I love Podcasts (you can read my favorite podcast posts here) and listening to them during a bath or shower is great because you get your best thoughts during that time. BUT, before your lovely bath, you gotta cleanse girl! I mean, who likes sitting in a bath of their filth?

What I like to do is go all in and what I mean by that is truly giving myself that at-home spa experience. First, I plan my pamper day around my wash days and if you have natural hair, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The day where you spend all day taking care of your hair. So, I’ll do a hair mask and during that time, I’ll also shave and become hairless like Rufus (Kim Possible anybody?)

After that process is done, I’ll rinse my hair out and proceed to wash and detangle in the kitchen sink so my skin doesn’t dry up too much, by going in the shower. Once my hair is clean and I put in my favorite deep conditioner, (you can read my favorite natural hair products post here) I get into the shower, exfoliate and wash up. I’m a Dove and Shea Moisture products gal so, I use either of their exfoliants. Dove’s Exfoliant Polish and Shea Moisture’s coffee scrub!

Once I’m done showering and clean, its finally time for the bath. Before getting into the bath, apply your favorite face mask and tip, this helps with knowing how long you should be in the bath for. For example, if your face mask says to remove in 30 minutes then stay in the bath for the same lenght of time. Okay, so now go back up a couple paragraphs and create your perfect bath.

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Aztec Healing Clay:

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Step Three: Do your nails, eyebrows and give yourself a good lotion down massage

First things first, I hope you all moisturize! Your face, body, and hands. This is my favorite step because I love doing my skin routine (which you can read here) and applying all my serums and creams to my skin. Its very therapeutic because you are massaging everything Into your body and if you use a jade roller for your face, it makes everything feel even better.

After that, I like to sit back pluck a few eyebrow hairs and paint my nails. Now, if thats not your thing, you can do something else.

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Step Four: Get your snacks and your drinks

Yes! Get your popcorn. ice cream, wine, tea– whatever you like and indulge! its your pamper day, you can cheat a little. I love drinking tea…and wine so I’ll definitely drink both while munching on some mixed M&Ms and popcorn. Best combo!

If you’ve ever been to a Flying Tiger and never bought their teas, you’re missing out!

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

Step Five: sit back and binge a show, watch your favorite movie or do something else you love

I personally will do a mixture of having some movie or show playing in the background while I’m sketching something. I love drawing (even though I’m not the best) and simply just sitting on the couch, next to bae and enjoying the rest of our day.

A quick recommendation, I just finished watching The Boys on Amazon Prime and it was pretty great so, check it out.

Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine
Step By Step Guide To Ultimate Pamper Routine

And thats how you can have the ultimate pamper day. I hope you loved these tips and leave a comment about your own self care tips!

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Shay, Bye!
