10 Body Positivity Affirmations​

10 Body Positivity Affirmations​

Some days I wake up, look in the mirror and feel self conscious. I may have a pimple, my stomach may be bloated, or I’m just not feeling myself. It makes feel eh and honestly bad. And I know that some of you reading this can relate. It’s honestly a part of nature. We all have our insecurities and at times, they can be a lot and consume our minds. However, one thing that I have been trying to incorporate is daily affirmations and practicing self love and keeping my mindset pure and positive. So, I want to share 10 body positivity affirmations that make me feel happy and confident. 

A little trigger warning but in all honesty, a few months ago, my mindset with my body wasn’t healthy. I have always had a fast metabolism and can eat a lot while gaining weight but, I’ve also always felt like I have a fear of gaining weight. And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that my hunger isn’t there as much and that I will subconsciously not eat. And that is crazy! My body and weight has been in the same bracket since I started high school but still, I somehow felt afraid. 

I felt so skinny some days and others, I did not. I started worrying when in reality, I gained about 10 pounds throughout the entire year of 2020– from January to December and thats normal! But, I still felt that weird subsconscious voice and it wasn’t until I finally spoke with a friend that I remembered that I’m a growing woman! My body is going to change and I have to accept that. So, as I said, I started focusing on changing my mindset and reading affirmations that would make me feel better. 

I find most of these Pinterest!

  1. “Tell your body how much you love it until it becomes as routine as brushing your teeth.”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “I grew out of my jeans and instead of waging war with myself, I bought new jeans because it is okay that my body is changing.” 
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “This body is just the keeper of my magic. Who cares where it folds or dimples?” 
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “Your worth has nothing to do with your weight.”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “Body confidence doesn’t come from trying to achieve the perfect body. It comes from embracing the one you’ve already got!” 
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “Life’s too short to be unkind to yourself.”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “Every body is a summer body!”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “Your body deserves your unconditional love.”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “I am a 10/10 even when I forget it.”
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
  1. “You can still love yourself and be a work in progress.” 
10 Body Positivity Affirmations​

Whenever you need a reminder, come back to this post! I hope you enjoy these affirmations and leave me a comment on your favorite one!

10 Body Positivity Affirmations​
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