How To Maintain A Healthy Work-Life​ Balance

How To Maintain A Healthy Work-Life​ Balance

Today, I woke up feeling so unmotivated. I didn’t want to do anything but lay in bed and watch Young Sheldon. I have basically been doing everything from home since March and each day has definitely blurred into one and I feel so ’bleh.’ Are you feeling the same? If you are, then this post is for you. For the last few weeks, I have been trying to be realistic with this pandemic and accept that things won’t be changing for a while. So, I have somewhat come up with a few tips on how to maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

When I say to maintain a healthy work-life balance, I am speaking to those who are currently working and living their entire in their homes. This can become a problem because the lines start to blur! Although, working from home, on my own schedule is ideal but you have to be smart with it. You need to create a line. 

How To Maintain A Healthy Work Life​ Balance

When you wake up doing the same thing every day, in the same location, it can become so repetitive, annoying, and make you feel crazy. You need to have a good routine and switch things up so your life can maintain separate! 

  1. Create A Daily Schedule 
How To Maintain A Healthy Work Life​ Balance

The first tip is having a daily schedule that is interchangeable!! Before quarantine, I used to think that having a daily schedule, that you do each day is good but no. You need to create a schedule that is similar but not the exact same or you’ll go crazy. 

As I said earlier, repetition can be a problem so you want to stick to a schedule that follows the same guidelines but is ‘spicy.’ What I mean by spicy is that you want a schedule where you can wake up and go to bed at the same time, but you’re able to change the times you eat each day or change what sort of exercise you do. I used to get up and do the same morning exercise routine that I found on Pinterest and it started to annoy me! Now, I watch a different YouTube video each day; with a different trainer. That shakes things up a bit and adds a little bit of excitement! 

Make a schedule where you know that something is going to happen but it’s still going to excite you. 

  1. Exercise & Get Fresh Air 
How To Maintain A Healthy Work Life​ Balance

If you’re like me; who is home every single day (until the weekends) you need fresh air and vitamin d! What I’ve been trying to do weekly is go on a nice walk or run around the block. It makes me feel so much better because the lack of sun and fresh air truly can make you feel depressed. 

If you’re inside, sitting at a desk all day, you’re going to feel stuffy and fatigued which will lead you to not wanting to get anything done. Also, take a drive if you don’t feel like walking! Go on a scenic route and see the views. You’ll still be getting out of the house and doing some sort of commute. 

  1. Have A Work Space 
How To Maintain A Healthy Work Life​ Balance

The most important tip on this list is to have a workspace! You will not get any work done if you’re working on your bed or couch. We associate our beds and couches with lounging and pleasure, not work. You need to separate those two areas in your home or you’ll fail. 

If you have an extra room in your home, make it your office! Add a desk, desk items, and it’ll make you feel like you’re at work. 

  1. Stay Connected 
How To Maintain A Healthy Work Life​ Balance

When we’re out and at work, we are being social with our coworkers. Hey, we’re even social with the cashier at Dunkins! But when you’re at home, it’s just you and your household that you see every day and night. So, make sure that you stay connected with your coworkers and the outside world by having virtual meetings, virtual lunch dates, and even sending a quick little hello email! Communicating with those outside of your home is very important to maintain that balance. 

  1. Know You’re Weaknesses 

Lastly, know what stumps you and distracts you. For example, if your kids distract you, keep them in a certain area while you work. Keep all distractions away from you and set your mindset straight into work. 

Okay, I hope these tips help you! If you’re feeling unmotivated or as if you can’t work at home, definitely try out these tips and leave a comment if you did. 

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