Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas is 2 weeks away! Oh my goodness, where did the time go?! I feel like we just entered the month of December. Anyways, if you’re like me, you probably have not gotten any shopping done and are stressed. I always struggle with gifts because I simply never know what to get people. So to help you (and myself) out, I’ve researched the top trending gift ideas or specific items of the year! Here is your ultimate 2020 Christmas gift guide!

Beauty & Hair

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

I’ve seen this on a lot of beauty bloggers accounts lately and other regular people. It is the mini skincare fridge; that keeps all of your products cool and ready to use. I think it is very cute. Multiple brands and stores carry this item and you can find it online or in store.

  • Face Masks 

Face masks have been the rave for the last year or two and I don’t think they’re dying down. If anything, due to lockdown, more people have been indulging in self care methods. Also, due to tik tok, a lot more men have been using face masks, so I think it’s a great gift.

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

I got one of these for my birthday and I am obsessed. It is so much better than makeup remover wipes (like, it actually removes all my makeup) and I’ve seen it on a couple of social media posts lately. I think it’d be a great gift for that beauty enthusiast in your life. Plus, it helps the environment. 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Unless you live under a rock, you’d know that scrunchies and cute hair clips have made a strong return this year. I mean, I honestly have like 20 scrunchies in different colors and patterns. They’re just so cute and playful. I think everyone needs a cute scrunchie in their lives.

I’ve heard a lot of hair YouTubers say that they prefer the blow-dry brush better than a regular blow dryer and that it is 100 times easier. I mean, it honestly looks easier and I’ve seen a ton of people with different hair types and textures raving about it. I think it’s worth a try.

  • Skincare Set

Skincare is big right now, worldwide! Everyone is taking care of their skin and learning what works best. I think buying anyone a good set of amazing products (cleanser, serum, oil, moisturizer) is a wonderful gift. Taking care of your skin is important.


  • Loungewear

Once again, due to Covid, we’re all working from home and spending more time at home. I think loungewear sets are so cute and cozy. I’ve seen so many in different styles that could definitely be dressed up and look chic.

Flared jeans and colorful flare pants are everywhere! I mean, I have a few myself and they’re so comfortable. I think it’s one of the top trending fashion pieces right now and people love them.


  • PS5

Obviously this is the hottest tech item right now. Everyone around the world wants a PS5 and if you can snag one, kudos to you! I would recommend keeping your notifications and email subscription alerts on for any store that sells it so you can be notified when it’s in stock. 

  • Wireless Headphones

Airpods and other headphones as such are popping right now. I think people love them because they’re lightweight, comfortable, and easy to carry around. And with everything currently being digital, having a good pair of headphones to move around it is very useful. 

  • Casetify

Casetify is the number one sponsor I currently see right now on Youtube videos and a lot of people are really buying them. I think the cases are cute, aesthetic, and you can have fun with it. I think it’s a good stocking stuffer. 


Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

I see this under every tweet but I can’t lie, I want it myself. It looks so cool and I love lights. These project an entire galaxy onto your ceiling and if you have string lights, it makes it even better. 

  • Reusable Straws & Water Bottle

People are finally getting on the wave of sustainability and using reusable items. The two popular reusable items are straws and water bottles. A ton of stores and companies have been making cool, eccentric, and differently styled bottles and straws, so you can definitely google and find some cool ones. 

  • Candles 

I swear, so many influencers and celebrities are creating candle companies and I’m here for it! I love candles, I can keep them on all over my house for hours. Jackie Aina recently launched her own brand and they are so cute.

  • Plants

Everyone wants to be a plant mom or dad and I’m here for it. I love plants and I think its great that people want to take care of some. Get someone a succulent or a huge house plant, whichever it is, I think they’ll love it.

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Journaling is one of the biggest activities right now, especially because of quarantine. I think giving someone a gratitude journal or something similar is great.

  • Online Course

Online courses are the rave right now because people are learning new skills or brushing up on older ones. Udemy, Allison, and Coursera have great courses that always on sale and I think it’d be a great gift. 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

You know the aesthetic projector movie date you see all over tumblr? Yeah, everyone wants a projector for that reason. Well, some for photography reasons but a lot of people want to watch a movie outdoors with a projector. I think its cute and is a fun date idea or a night with friends. 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Everyone is working at home and sitting at their desks, so a good massager is a wonderful gift. Possibly one that mimics a chair and allows you to sit on it is perfect. 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Okay, this is one I’ve seen a lot lately. I didn’t know people were into toothbrushes but everyone has been doing sponsorships or just buying these cool toothbrushes. I mean, hey, if it makes brushing your teeth more enjoyable then why not?

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Hand sanitizers are a must right now due to Covid and I’ve some really cute ones online! I love keychains and having a cute, pink one in the shape of a giraffe would be awesome. 


Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

I’ve seen this alot on Instagram and its so cool. I mean who wouldn;t want to make a smoothie on the go? 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

Everyone loves coffee and I think because of all the cool coffee makers on tik tok, espresso machines are popular again.

Wine box subscriptions are so popular right now. I swear I see an ad for one every time I go on Instagram and Facebook. I actually partnered with Winc and I love it. I love wine and am always ready for a glass. I think it’d be a great gift for that wine lover. 

Ultimate 2020 Christmas Gift Guide

A milk frother is a little handheld blender and I think it is one of the most popular kitchen appliances right now. I find them to be so amazing because you can make anything with it. Eggs, lattes, bake a cake— anything! And they’re cheap enough. 

  • Cookbooks

Since we are all home, we’re mostly all cooking from home and a lot of brands, tv shows, and celebrities have been releasing cookbooks and its so cool. I mean, I found a Mean Girls one! I think its a fun gift. 

  • Tea Boxes

Tea is on the rise right now and I think its due to companies like Tea Drops. A lot of tea companies have been popping up, with amazing tea box sets with creative and cool flavors. I think gifting that tea lover a subscription box is perfect.

Thats it for this guide! I hope you enjoyed and if you do purchase any of these items, let me know!

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