5 Simple Steps To Rid Acne Without Spending A Fortune

5 Simple Steps To Rid Acne Without Spending A Fortune

Acne. We all hate it and somehow it always seems to creep up on us when we least expect it. It’s almost like you have an acne free streak then all of a sudden, you’re randomly breaking out. Everyone says ‘it’s natural! It happens!’ Even though it’s a part of life, it’s still annoying and can ruin your whole vibe. So, don’t stress because today, I want to share 5 simple steps to rid acne without spending a fortune. 

Okay. I say ‘without spending a fortune’  because you truly don’t need to drop hundreds of dollars to take care of your skin, health, and body. It’s normally just little tweaks that need to be done in your life. We all read magazines and listen to celebrities talking about their extensive routines but you don’t need to to do the same. Although, it is a perk to have a wonderful esthetician but if you can’t afford one then, this is for you. 

  1. Acne Cleanser

I actually hear people with acne say that they don’t use an acne cleanser! How crazy is that? That’s like saying you have a stomach ache and then continue to eat cake. To combat something, you need the right fighting tool. You can’t just use some regular soap and call it day; you need specifics. When I went to Spain, I had packed up all of my products and was perfectly fine until…they ran out. 

Once they ran out, quarantine also happened! Yay me (not.) This was such a struggle because I ended up getting the Primark charcoal cleanser, that I included in my last skincare routine but that finished right when lockdown happened. I was so stressed and ended up ordering the Pixie brand from Sephora. 

While I waited for that to arrive, I used my fiance’s soap (didn’t want grimy skin) and it was decent but dried out my skin. Then, my Sephora products came and…girl! My skin broke the hell out!! I literally cried. The Pixie Beauty cleanser and toner were not for me (or acne) and my skin had pimples and dark spots everywhere, it was bad! I think it may have had fragrance in it as well. 

Anyways, once I got back to the US, I got my trusty, handy Clean N’ Clear back and my face is back to looking clear and bright. I am currently using the Blackhead Eraser and it works well on my skin. I don’t break out like I used to high school; I only get one random pimple if I wear makeup or gel. 

So, my lesson, if you’re acne prone, only use acne products.

  1. Establish a routine 

Having a routine is like training your skin. Your skin will remember the products and what it is doing to help. When it comes to skincare, I treat it like it’s a rigorous part of cleaning myself, so I put a lot of effort into my day and night routine. 

I’ve been on vacation and staying with others for a few weeks and have missed a step in my routine or forgotten something and my skin has paid for it! So, my routine is using a cleanser, toner, serum, oil, and moisturizer and on Sundays, I exfoliate and do a mask. On vacation, I forgot to do my Sunday routine and my skin wasn’t happy because it became used to it. 

So, establish a routine that you can follow daily and it helps your skin in the long run. 

5 Simple Steps To Rid Acne Without Spending A Fortune

This right after I showered and did my skincare routine.

  1. Clean Your Bed Sheets (And Towels)

A lot of people ignore this but your bed sheets and pillowcases cause you to breakout! You should be changing your bedsheets about every one to two weeks– especially your pillowcases. If you’re sleeping with the same pillowcases from weeks on, you’re harming your skin because all of the bacteria from your drool, crust, hair grease– is stuck to your pillows and you’re sinking your face into it every night.

Same goes for your towels! You should change your towels daily if you have enough or only use it for three days max. Bacteria will stay on your towel and if you’re using it to dry your face…gross. Switch it out!

  1. Invest In Satin

There’s a reason why us naturalistas wear satin bonnets to bed; because it doesn’t dry out your hair! The same goes for satin pillowcases, it won’t dry out your skin. If you’re putting a lot of effort into your skincare routine, wouldn’t you be upset to learn that all your product was soaked up by your pillowcase? Well, that is what’s happening. Also, if you don’t wrap your hair at night, all of the oils and grease is sticking to your face, So, wrap up your hair and sleep on satin.  

  1. Have A Weekly Scheduled Spa Day 

Like I said, Sunday is my spa night and it does wonders. Stress can cause acne so having a day where you can unwind, relax, and do a face mask is helpful for your skin. I like to do my mask, drink some tea, and watch netflix before bed and it is wonderful. Try it out and I’m sure you’ll see some results. 

5 Simple Steps To Rid Acne Without Spending A Fortune

This is how my skin normally looks, with no makeup on besides eyebrows and lipstick. Like I said, once in a while, I’ll get a few pimples but other than that, it is clear and healthy.


Drink water and Change Your Diet 

Even though this is obvious, I still wanted to include it!  The two things I notice when I don’t intake enough water is my skin looks dull, I may break out, and my pee is not pretty. A lot of times, your skin is acting up because of what you eat and drink. So, drink up and you’ll be on your way to healthier skin.

5 Simple Steps To Rid Acne Without Spending A Fortune

That’s all for this post! I’m not a doctor so, if you are seriously struggling with acne and it is really bad, reach out to a dermatologist and get recommendations or prescribed products! Your skin deserves love and it deserves to be its most beautiful self!

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