5 Unconventional Ways To Survive Quarantine​

5 Unconventional Ways To Survive Quarantine​

It has been about 20 days (or longer?) since I have been quarantined in my apartment and I miss outside. Like everyone else, I have been searching and searching for new things to do and finally came up with my own list. So, I decided to create this post on 5 unconventional ways to survive quarantine​.

Now, quarantine hasn’t been terrible but, I have never been a homebody, I love going out even if it’s just for a walk. Yes, I have those days where I like staying in and catching up on my shows but every day?! No, I am literally dying. I think I went a little bit mad today.

But, I have been enjoying relaxing at home and waking up after 7 am. Plus, if we want this to end anytime soon, we need to stay indoors. Here in Madrid, they’re taking things seriously, if you’re caught outside with no real reason, you will be fined and that’s enough for me to stay indoors.

A lot of people though have been freaking out and trying to figure out things to do and we all keep seeing articles saying the same 3 things; read, watch a movie, decorate, etc… Well, these are a little bit different.

Write a book or an Autobiography

Everyone keeps saying to read a book but how about you write your own? I know we’ve all had those thoughts and moments where we’ve wanted to write our own stories and because it is 2020, there are websites for that. Wattpad and Inkitt are two popular independent sites for writers where you can read and support others or create your own work. Hey, maybe you’ll become the next J.K Rowling.

Join A Facebook Group

I am probably apart of 50 facebook groups and they all range in topic. These groups are good for connecting with likeminded individuals and chatting happily about whatever the group was made for. For example, I am apart of a really fun natural hair group, where everyone posts pictures, uplifts each other and laughs at memes.

Also, these groups are even better at the moment because a lot of them are doing virtual meetups. Some group admins even make it fun and plan “couch brunch” or “wine o’clock at home” events where everyone can chat virtually and sip their drinks.

Do Something…Different

What I mean by this is, if you’ve haven’t drawn since elementary school art class, pick up a pencil and paper and see what you can do. You never know what you’re capable of until you try. This is the perfect time to make yourself your own guinea pig.

Take It Old School – Pull out Your Board Games & Cards

Instead of being glued to our switches, ps4s, and xbox machines, take it old school, connect with your family and play some monopoly or go fish. My boyfriend and I have been playing card games almost every night and its so fun, I don’t know why. I think its just the innocence of laying back, laughing and not paying attention to the world.


Okay this last one isn’t as unconventional but I think being home and having an immense time to yourself is perfect for reflecting on life. Just sitting down and reminiscing or thinking of all the things you want to do post corona. I’ve been thinking of new things I want to do with this site and things regarding my career. Its good to just sit alone and be with my thoughts for once. I think the difference (for me at least) is the lack of stress that normally comes with deep thinking.

Alright friends, that is all for this post. I hope you enjoyed, what’re some things you’re doing at to past time? Leave a comment!

Check out my new blog post on staying productive during quarantine here!

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Shay, Bye!
