7 Ways You Can Stay Productive While Working From Home!

7 Ways You Can Stay Productive While Working From Home!

Working from home is a dream. We’ve all dreamt and thought of how great it would be to get up on our time and be our own boss. But now that some of us are actually doing so, I’ve come to learn that it isn’t that easy. Seriously, my sleep schedule is messed up, I wake up some days feeling unmotivated, and sometimes, I don’t even want to get work done.

I really give it to people who work from home and are productive on a regular basis. But, in order to get paid, I do have to get work done, even when I don’t want to. So, I’ve tried to come up with a few ways to get me up and going and I’ve compiled a list of 7 ways you can stay productive while working from home. Let’s learn about 7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Wake up early 

I know this is hard but keep those alarms on! Okay, so maybe not waking up exactly at 6 am but still getting up in the morning is very helpful. The earlier you’re awake, the longer and better your day feels. Wake up at the same time every day and you’ll feel motivated. 

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!


Working out is always key to feeling awake and motivated. You don’t need to overwork yourself but maybe do a little morning yoga and stretch. You will feel highly rejuvenated. Then eat a good breakfast afterward with good protein!

Get Ready

You need to treat it like you’re actually going to work. Wake up, shower, do your hair, makeup and put on a nice outfit. It doesn’t need to be super dressed up but getting out of your loungewear is important. This will definitely make you feel awake and ready to take on your day. After that, make your “desk” presentable. Take out everything you need and set it up.

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Make A Schedule

I have a daily task schedule pad, with sections for the morning, afternoon, evening (and in between,) where I can write out everything I need to do throughout the day. It’s very useful and science says, writing things out is better for memory and productivity.

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Make A Work Stat

Girl, your bed is not a desk! Working on your bed and couch are the worst places to be productive. A bed is somewhere you’re supposed to sleep and a couch is for comfort. Your mindset is going to be warped if you’re trying to work at one of those places. You need to make an at-home office (if possible.) I use my dining table as my workspace and it’s very comfortable and productive. Since there’s no other space in our apartment, that’s the only spot I can use. I clear off everything and set up my laptop, agenda, and everything else I’ll need. 

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Be Your Own Boss

We all hate when our bosses give us tasks but we all know deep down, it’s what keeps us working. So, you need to be your own “boss.” Keep giving yourself tasks and remember, you won’t get paid if you don’t do work.

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Take Breaks

Just like at work, you need your half an hour break. If you don’t give yourself a break and work throughout the entire day, you’ll feel burned out pretty quickly. Take a break to meditate, eat, or even a power nap.

7 ways you can stay productive while working from home!

Okay that is is it for this post! I hope you enjoyed and feel inspired and motivated. What’re some things you do to feel motivated.

Also, I wrote a post on what you can do during this quarantine here!

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IG/Twitter: @sjkaine

Facebook: shayslife 

Pinterest: @shennamu

Snapchat: @uncool_shaaay. 


Shay, Bye!



  1. April 9, 2020 / 3:03 pm

    Waking up early and getting in a workout really makes a difference for me! Great tips here!

    • shennamu
      April 10, 2020 / 8:40 pm

      Thanks girl!

    • shennamu
      April 10, 2020 / 8:40 pm

      Thank you!

  2. April 10, 2020 / 1:29 am

    I do wake up early and workout but i was never good at making schedules and keeping up with them. Gotta work on that. 😩

    • shennamu
      April 10, 2020 / 8:40 pm

      Its a process girl!

  3. April 10, 2020 / 5:55 pm

    🔥 How useful! Especially during these times. Enlightening and clearly explained! Exactly what people need!

    • shennamu
      April 10, 2020 / 8:40 pm

      Thank you!

  4. April 10, 2020 / 10:42 pm

    Working from home is definitely harder than it seems. I’m glad people are finally getting it now. I love the tips you gave. I’m going to practice the getting ready one next week because I’ve been way too comfy!

  5. April 11, 2020 / 2:05 pm

    Totally agree with all tips! I’ve been working from home for nearly a decade. It really really helps to have a proper structure and routine to the day.

  6. April 11, 2020 / 7:24 pm

    I work at home all the time, not just during this pandemic, but usually I leave the house for networking or errands. I am finding that my routine is all off and that I am falling into bad habits like working in my pj’s all day. It’s hard to be in a serious work mode when your routine is off. Thanks for the great tips and the reminder that the shower is actually important to my productivity.