5 Tips On How To Make A Blog Editorial Calendar

5 Tips On How To Make A Blog Editorial Calendar

A question that I receive a lot of the time is “how do you manage all your schedules?!” Well, it isn’t easy and a lot goes into it and sometimes, I get into a funk of not doing anything. The best thing I’ve done was make a calendar and I’m going to share my 5 tips on how to make a blog editorial calendar

When it comes to my blog, it is something that I am extremely passionate about and would love to take to higher places. So, I try to take everything serious and make sure I am completing everything that I want to do.

It can be really hard with having a full time job, being a post graduate with no money, and just feeling mentally and physically drained on a daily basis but, I have come up with ways to handle everything.

My ultimate end goal is to get to a place where working on this blog and another one is my full time job. I love blogging and being a creative so I try to make sure that I am doing the best I can to achieve those goals.

So, for those of you reading who also want to achieve those same goals, I am going to share with you everything I do to be consistent and what a blog editorial is.

Blog Editorial Calendar

A blog editorial calendar is just a planner for your blog, social media or both. You can either make it a virtual or physical one that includes all of the details of your post. So, you plan out which post is going up on which day, which instagram or facebooks post you’re uploading and write it out.

This is very helpful because it reminds you of what you need to get done and when it needs to be done. It also saves you time and energy trying to figure out what to write about, especially if you plan everything months in advance.

I use my physical planner, Canva and Google Docs. In my opinion, those are the most easiest to navigate and always on hands.

Choose Days To Post

This is important for two reasons. One, this allows you to choose the best days to upload that fit your schedule. Since you know your daily schedule, you can choose the best days for prepping and writing.

Two, it keeps you on track. I like to honestly use it as a guilt trick. Sometimes I feel lazy and not in the mood to write but then I say “well it is Monday tomorrow so, I have to and I should.” Knowing when you’re supposed to do something helps the most.

Make A Blogging Schedule

Once you choose the days that you’re going to upload posts, take it deeper and write out what exactly the post is going to be about and the prep you have to do for it. Simple as that.

Use Apps

Tailwind is one of the best apps for scheduling social media content. It works perfectly for instagram and Pinterest and allows you to keep everything up to date and uploaded on time.

There are also other apps out there specifically made for bloggers to help with their content creation so, you can research the best ones.

Join Facebook Blogging Groups

Joining blogging groups can be really helpful from figuring out new post ideas, getting feedback, and simply just meeting and mingling with other bloggers.

it is also extremely motivational seeing what others are blogging about and hearing their successes. Also, it keeps you on schedule because most group admins post daily prompts to keep you focused and creating more content.

Template for Editorial Calendar

You can click the download buttons below or the links for your free templates!



That’s all for this post, I hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment on how to plan out your posts!

Check out my blog post on how to create your own blog here!

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Shay, Bye!
