When Your Soul Needs A Little Bit of Rejuvenation!

When Your Soul Needs A Little Bit of Rejuvenation!

Hello, friends! Long time no see. I know….one of my 2019 goals was to blog more but, life came at me hard.

After winter vacation, I was thrown back into classes and since it is my senior year, it feels as though everything is moving quickly and I’m running around like a headless chicken, trying to get everything done.

At the moment, I have an internship, three classes, I work at CVS, I’m an OA for Res Life and I’m a peer health educator. So in total, I kind of have 4 jobs with a ton of homework and blogging on the side. Don’t even get me started on my Suffolk TV News work…

Honestly, it has just been terrible. I swear, I cry daily from stress and lack of sleep. It’s not pretty whatsoever. But, that’s life sometimes and what matters is that we take a look at ourselves and take a step back.

I’ve never been someone that can easily relax. I always need to be on my feet and as someone who struggles with anxiety, I worry WAY too much and stress over the littlest things. This then leads me to freak out, feel overwhelmed and cry on my boyfriend for 3 hours. Yeah, I said it wasn’t pretty.

But you know what is pretty? The fact that I have acknowledged all of these things and am working towards fixing them because your mental and emotional health is SUPER important.

So with that, I have been trying to do little things each day to help and I wanted to write this blog post in case some of my readers are going through the same thing.

One thing I did was take a break. So for the last two weeks, I have been sick. Full on sore throat, headache, nasty cough, you get it. So, I emailed my internship boss (after my boyfriend had to basically beg me to take off a day) and let her know I wouldn’t be coming in. Best decision ever.

I woke up at my normal 6am, ate breakfast, took some day quill and went right back to bed until noon. I felt mentally better once I woke up. Then, I continued to watch Netflix the rest of the day and it was comforting.

Sometimes, you simply just need a mental health day to relax and catch up on some backed up episodes.

Another thing I like to do is clean. I noticed my room was messy and it was part of my stress because I hate when my room is dirty. So, on my day off, I got up for a little and cleaned up. It made me feel productive and calmer seeing my room look a little neat.

Now sometimes you’re feeling off because you simply aren’t feeling right internally and you just need to vent someone. May it be a friend, counselor or stranger, just speak with someone and let it all out. I have a therapist on campus and sometimes our meeting consist of me quickly speaking about everything going wrong at the moment lol.

I’m also a spiritual person and when your spirituality isn’t in tact, you feel like crap. So, I like to do a related devotional, some yoga and just meditate and try to get my body to a calm state of mind. It truly does work.

In conclusion of this post, burnout is REAL and we need to make sure we have certain rituals or people that we can go to when it hits. Its not fun.

I hope you liked this post, leave a comment about what you do when you have burnout!

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Shay!, Bye!
