10 Period Hacks All Girls Should Know!

10 Period Hacks All Girls Should Know!

Hello, lovelies! Welcome back to my blog for another super, informal post. Yes, today’s post is all about that wonderful time of the month!

It is a rainy day today in Boston and to fit the occasion, I’m laying in bed drinking tea with a heating pad helping me through these God awful cramps! So, to lighten up the mood, I decided to write a little post about all of the things I do throughout this week!

I love reading and watching youtube videos on period hacks, body and skin care and all of the above because, I’m a very open person when it comes to those things and, am always ready to learn more. Plus, we all go through it so why not discuss it and help each other out? I believe there’s no such thing as “TMI”…okay yes, there are SOME things but, natural, normal things are just that; normal.

So, if you’re interested, keep on reading and let’s get into it!

  • 1. Period Tracking App!

This hack has to be number one because IT SAVES YOUR LIFE! Literally, I used to be the girl that just got up, went to school, ran to the bathroom (halfway throughout the day) and, saw a surprise. You don’t want to be that girl. Your pants get ruined, your day gets ruined, it’s just not fun. So, download a period tracking app because you’ll forever be prepared and ready!

The apps I use are the Glow apps. Glow has three apps in its family which are Glow, Eve, and Glow Nurture for Pregnancy. These apps are amazing and help track your period, ovulation, fertility, pregnancy, body, whatever you want. I only use Glow and its amazing because it predicts my period EVERY TIME! Check out the app here!

  • 2. Period Panties

i tried GIF

Yes, good old period panties. They could be anything ranging from black athletic panties, bathing suit bottoms, or actual period panties.

Black athletic panties work because number one, they’re black and if you leak, you can’t see it and it won’t ruin them. The athleticness helps because athletic panties are normally made of a stretchy, comfortable material that allows you to breathe. You can find some here at Macy’s! 

Using your bathing suit bottoms are a good idea because, if you end up with stains, it’s easy to wash them out. Plus, bathing suit material is meant to get wet so if you leak it won’t seep through and make you uncomfortable.

Lastly, period panties are pretty self-explanatory; they’re made just for your period. A majority are worn without a pad or tampon but, you can definitely wear it however you like. You can get some here! I’ve heard of the brand Thynx and have wanted to try them out for a while so, let’s all get some and start a discussion group lol!

  • 3. Heating Pads

Heating pads are a life saver and the best way to use them are to use two at a time! I have both an electrical one and a microwavable one that I love. I lay on my bed and place the electrical one on my stomach and the microwavable one under me. My cramps spread from my abdomen to my lower back so, using both is magical.

You can find an electrical one on Amazon and a microwavable one here.

  • 4. Making a “makeshift pad”

Okay, this sounds weird but its a life saver lol. We’ve all had those days where we’re out in public, at school, church, dinner with family, whatever and, you don’t have a pad or tampon! World’s scariest moment honestly but, if you know how to make a “makeshift pad” you’ll be okay.

So, a makeshift pad isn’t just wrapping around toilet paper and placing it in your panties, its grabbing toilet paper, tissue and making a comfortable alternative.

First things first, grab two sheets of paper towel and wrap them over each like a cross. Now you have a sort of winged pad.

Secondly, take the tissue and place it in the middle and roll the tops and corners into the top and bottom of the paper towel. Now it’s going to be soft when you put it on.

Lastly, when you put it into your underwear, tuck the “wings” a little inside the sides of your underwear and voila! Pretty basic but it’ll last until you finally can get an actual pad or tampon!

  • 5. Make a “Period Emergency Kit”

This kit is very important because it allows you to be ready if you or a friend needs anything. The kit should include two pads, two tampons, a fresh pair of underwear, a bottle of painkillers, carry on wipes and whatever else you think you may need!

  • 6. Wipes

Yes, wipes because it simply makes you feel cleaner. The number one thing I hate is feeling sticky, slimy and gross during this time and, using wet wipes after each bathroom use helps immensely.

Here are some good brands.

Rael Feminine Wipes

Summer’s Eve Sensitive

Kotex Refresh


  • 7. Use Pads At Night

Okay so, using a pad at night is better because it allows you have a good, free flow. Tampons basically “plug” you up and you need to let your blood flow at least for a few hours. If you’re a tampon girl like me, the best time for this is when you’re sleeping.

pms lol GIF by U by Kotex Brand

  • 8. Drink Tea

Tea is my favorite thing in the world. I just love kicking back, watching Netflix and drinking tea. It’s healthy, tasty, and has many benefits. Plus in this day and age, there’s tea for everything! So, you can find teas that help with all period symptoms.

The best that help with your cycle are cinnamon, red raspberry, ginger, peppermint and green tea!

  • 9. Take A Bath

This is something I learned in fourth grade when my health teacher split up the boys and girls and gave us lessons on puberty, hormones, sex and all that fun stuff! The one thing I remembered was that showers help if nothing else is. So, ignore the world and take your long, relaxing shower girl!

christina ricci drinking GIF by Z: The Beginning of Everything

  • 10. Eat Healthy Super Foods

As we all know, what we eat really affects our mood and body so, eating healthy foods such as fruit, nuts, and dark chocolate helps with all period symptoms. I get bad cramps, nausea, and headaches but, staying hydrated and snacking on some brain food really helps to keep me at ease.

fruit GIF

That’s all the hacks I have for you beautiful people! I hope you enjoyed and learned something new! Leave comments on what you do for your period!

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see ya later lol GIF by U by Kotex Brand



Shay! Bye!
