15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Winter blues is so normal! I just wanted to get that out of the way. You ever feel so sad for no reason? Or wake up and not want to do anything during the winter months? That’s winter blues! When winter comes along, it gets colder, wetter, and the days or so short, it’s dark at 3pm and you feel unmotivated and unproductive. Plus, the lack of vitamin d and outdoor activities actually puts a strain on your well-being and mentality. We’re so cooped up in the house all winter long, it’s no surprise that we grow to hate it and feel so down. However, that doesn’t need to be our entire reality, we can take the time to do certain things in the comfort of our own homes to boost our energy. So, keep reading to learn 15 ways to deal with winter blues. 

  1. Take Vitamin D Supplements 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

The lack of the sun can cause you to feel very depressed. It gets so dark so early during the winter and when you’re constantly around darkness, it dampens your mood. The best way to counterattack this is why getting some Vitamin D supplements that’ll keep your body feeling like you’re outside on a sunny day. 

  1. Eat A Yummy & Savory Snack
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

If you’re feeling ‘’meh’ and like nothing is giving you pure satisfaction, get a yummy and savory snack! I find that when I bite into a good cookie after a while, my taste buds explode and I instantly feel in a better mood. 

  1. Drink Tea or Hot cocoa 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

In the winter, it is obviously colder which means our body temperatures drop. I am naturally always cold (literally, in the summer, I’ll still be freezing) and I love drinking a hot beverage. Hot chocolate is the beverage of the winter season so, get creative, make some cool flavors and enjoy! It’ll warm you up and make you feel good.

  1. Read A Book 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

I love to read and I believe that getting lost in a great book is the most amazing experience. I’m a nerd so I love reading comics, fantasy, mystical types of stories and it just feel euphoric when I can get lost and imagine myself in the universe. 

  1. Take A Nice Hot Bath 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Bubble baths are the best thing ever and nowadays, there so many other cool items to drop into our baths besides bubbles! Have yourself a hot, bubbly, fuzzy, bath that will strike up your senses. Aromatherapy is one of the best things to do to calm you. 

  1. Watch Something You Love 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Nostalgia exists for a reason! When you watch a movie you love and have seen multiple times, it’ll put you in such a great state of mind! One of my favorite movies is Mean Girls and I can probably quote 90% of it. Every time I watch it, I laugh like it’s the first time I’ve seen it. 

  1. Call Your Friends or Family 

Having a conversation with someone will allow you to get away from your own thoughts for a while. Sometimes we feel done and lonely because we haven’t seen or spoken to someone in a while. During the winter, we definitely see our loved ones leas so, call, FaceTime, send them a few snapchats!

  1. Take A Nap
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Napping is an amazing thing. A 20 minute power nap or a 3 hour nap where you forget what happened is amazing all around. I love when I can get that quick little nap in during the day. It definitely makes me feel more refreshed afterwards. 

  1. Unplug 

We all know by now that social media can cause us to feel overwhelmed and undervalued and that is not good for your mental health! So, whenever you need to, turn your phone off and just relax. Do something non digital. 

  1. Clean Your Space 

I personally love cleaning because I just love the smell it brings afterwards. You know that nice fabuloso smell mixed with a wonder home spray from Yankee Candle? Ugh, I love it! It makes me feel so proud of myself too. Like, whoa, I just swept, mopped, wiped down the counters, cooked— look at me go!

  1. Meditate or Pray 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Whether you mediate, pray, or do both, you should definitely be doing it daily. I am a firm believer in believing in bigger and stronger force because life is too complicated to put all of it troubles onto ourselves only. Clearing your head and getting into a good mindset and pushing off your problems is a great feeling. 

  1. Dance 

If you follow me on Instagram, I am always dancing! I love to dance and it puts me in such a great mood! Even if you can’t dance or do those intricate tik tok moves, just get up and move around and you’ll be happy. 

  1. Create 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Create something— anything! If you’re a blogger or writer, write! Filmmaker, film! Photographer, shoot! Artist, draw or paint! Whatever your talent is, use it and create something beautiful and random. 

  1. Garden 
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Everyone wants to be a plant mama or dad and there are actually health benefits to taking care of plants! It helps with memory, routine making, and the plants themselves can have some health benefits. But the art of gardening and taking care of plants can be a fun activity that will definitely boost your mood. Trimming, watering, replanting— it’s all fun. 

  1. Dress Up
15 Ways To Deal With Winter Blues

Remember when you used to dress up in all of your mom’s clothing as a child? Who says you can’t still do that? You can dress up right now if you wanted to and take a ton of random and fun photos! Put on a dramatic dress and pretend you’re an aristocrat; going to a gala!

Hope you liked this post, how do you deal with winter blues? Leave me a comment!

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  1. December 18, 2020 / 6:35 pm

    Your blog is STUNNING! And I really need to start meditating lol. xxxx

    • shennamu
      December 18, 2020 / 10:48 pm

      Thank you!

  2. December 18, 2020 / 6:59 pm

    These are a lot of great suggestions! I was gifted a light therapy lamp and I use it 30 minutes per day.

    • shennamu
      December 18, 2020 / 10:48 pm

      That sounds great!