Wellness Tips For When You’re Stressed

Wellness Tips For When You’re Stressed

A lot of people (myself included)  have been feeling off during this time and that is completely understandable. Everyday has blended into one and I feel like I do the same thing and that makes me want to scream! I swear, I wake up some mornings and just lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling because I can’t believe the state of the world right now. From the pandemic to what’s happening in Africa, to the election– It honestly makes me feel depressed. Over time, I’ve figured out a few wellness tips for when you’re stressed, depressed, or anxious and just need to reset!

These quick “hacks” have definitely helped me relax and put me in a better state of mind. 

  1. Yoga & Exercising

This may seem basic but, I definitely think people need to try out yoga more. I think a lot of people think yoga is much more complex than what it is when in reality, it’s just relaxing. You don’t need to do any crazy poses, stretches, or chantings– you just need to clear your mind and relax your body. 

Wellness Tips For When You're Stressed

I like to do a couple easy stretches because it does make my body feel less tense. On top of yoga, I think doing a quick exercise like push ups or something that’s going to make you sweat is also great. It stimulates you and changes your entire mindset. 

  1. Take a Meaningful Walk

Walks are so great! People sleep on walking. Living in the city means that you take the train and walk more than you drive and I love that. I think walking is great for thinking and clearing the mind. Just being around nature and looking at different sights will definitely put you in a better mindset. 

Even though the walk from my old apartment in Boston to the train station took about 20 minutes, I still enjoyed it because it allowed me to just think and get fresh air. When you’re feeling anxious and your mind is running all over the place, it’s great to just walk and think of what you’re seeing. Hey, play I-spy while doing it too.

  1. Turn on Relaxing Music and Dance 

I love music and I love singing along even though I can’t sing, The music doesn’t have to be relaxing, it can be anything you like. I like to just simply put on one of my favorite playlists and just dance it out! If you follow me on instagram, you know that I’m always posting videos of myself dancing and having fun. I love it and it definitely puts me in a better mood.

  1. Senses 

Something I do at therapy is focusing on all of my senses. So, my therapist will say “what can you smell? What can you hear? How do you feel?” I think that is so amazing because it truly gets you to pay attention to your body and your surroundings. It also allows you to pick up on things you’ve never focused on before and it puts you in such a good trance. 

  1. CBD

I think CBD is something we all should include in our daily lives. CBD comes in all forms– vitamins, drink supplements, oils, candles, and much more. It just naturally calms you down. I used to have the calm drink supplement and I thought it was good. I’d add it to water in the mornings before starting my day.

Wellness Tips For When You're Stressed

So many things in life can make us feel anxious or erratic but as long as we’re focusing on fixing those things, we’re on the right path! I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment on some of your favorite ways to de-stress!

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