A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain

Hey, beautiful people! Today’s post is something I’ve always wanted to do and see if I like it. As I’ve said plenty of times on this site, I am an avid youtube watcher and I watch a ton of vlogs and “a day in my life” videos, so, I decided to do my own a guide to a weekend living in Madrid.

I’ve seen a few blog posts on this and I enjoy reading them and the travel inspo they give. So I hope you enjoy!

Okay, firstly, this post is going to focus on my activities of last weekend since I went to a different town and basically spent every second of my time out and about.

Secondly, since I am a language assistant, I only work 16 hours a week and have Friday to Sunday free to myself! My weekends are mostly spent relaxing, exploring, and living my best life here in Madrid.


On Friday, my day started at 10 am and (as usual) I laid in bed scrolling through social media. I mean, I jump out at 7 am during the week so, I deserve to sleep in some days. Moving on, I went to Leganes; which is possibly a neighborhood in Madrid or another town, not exactly sure. I originally went to pick up my resident card but the office was closed and I ended up just exploring the city.

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain

Leganes faintly reminds me of Alcala De Henares, another town I’ve visited plenty of times! You can read more here. While in Leganes, we ended up grabbing a few snacks, drinks and walked through their Central Park, munching away. After that, we went to a little secondhand shop, browsed and then continued to explore the area until it started to get a little too chilly and we got sleepy.

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain

Around 7 pm, we headed home to Madrid and went to Lavapies! I love Lavapies, it is known as Madrid’s hipster neighborhood and I love all things hipster. Gardens, cat restaurants, and cool shops. In Lavapies, we stopped at this cute butterfly thrift store, that has books, films and a ton of cool vintage clothing. Afterwards, we went to Mercado de San Fernando and ate at a sushi and ramen restaurant that was pretty freaking good!

We then headed back to our neighborhood, stopped at Burger King for ice cream and went home to chill and sleep. A great day.

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain


Once again, we woke up and got ready for the day before heading out for brunch! We went to La Gringa; which is a branch of the Carmecita Bar and Brunch in Madrid. Its located in the Malsana neighborhood and I loved it! They have great breakfast options and I feel like I finally found a good breakfast spot.

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain

After brunch, we headed to the main center in Malsana. Malsana is also known as a vintage neighborhood of Madrid, with a ton of thrift stores and cool food spots. We spent the rest of our day roaming the area and popping into every single thrift store on the strip. Literally.

A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain
A Guide To A Weekend Living In Madrid, Spain


On Sunday, I honestly just wanted to relax, drink some tea. and catch up on my shows. In the morning, we went Hillsong before strolling through our neighborhood and heading home. It was a simple day that was spent binging Netflix, eating pizza and crepes!

That was my weekend! I like cozy weekends, spent exploring and enjoying time with people I love. I hope you enjoyed this post got some ideas if you ever plan on traveling to Madrid.

Check out my one month living abroad post here!

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Shay, Bye!


1 Comment

  1. February 23, 2020 / 11:31 am

    Love watching Crime movies 1