Branford, Connecticut | Travel With Me

Branford, Connecticut | Travel With Me

Hey, friends! Welcome back to the blog. Today’s post is all about my little day spent in Connecticut, last week!

So, last weekend was the end of winter break as well as my boyfriend and I’s third year anniversary! So, we spent the day exploring Connecticut.

It was really fun and I love traveling so going anywhere makes me excited! Let’s get into it! (All photos were taken by my boyfriend!)

We started the day off with brunch, of course. We went to a cute, little diner and got typical breakfast foods. The meal was wonderful and I finally got a mimosa for the first time! Okay, I’ve been trying to drink a mimosa since I turned 21 but, every breakfast place I’ve gone to doesn’t sell them!

But, they did and it was good. Then, I realized that I’ve been making mock mimosas since I was a child, by mixing orange juice and sprite….lol.

After breakfast, we drove through the 146 rt scenic drive. This drive was listed all over on lists of things to do in Branford. It was nice and we saw a ton of huge, old style homes.

At the end of the drive, there was the Stony park beach. The beach was beautiful, lined with tons of homes and mini islands. I wish it were summer because I would of loved to explore more, especially the islands and swim a little.

It was super cold by the way!

We also visited the Real Art Ways museum. It’s a little art museum that hosts local artists work that ranges from art to film to dance! It was pretty cool.

Then, we ended the night at a mall in Hartford with some Auntie Anne’s pretzels.

People don’t normally think of Connecticut as a place to visit and explore but, its a gem with different things to do! Visit Connecticut!

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Shay! Bye!
