Makeup Free Saturday

Makeup Free Saturday

Dia dhuit! Guess who’s learning a new language? Moi. I didn’t write this in my goals but, I do want to learn new languages this year because why not? So, I’m learning Irish, Spanish and, Italian but, I’m focusing more on Spanish at the moment.

Today’s post is a little OOTD post because it has been a while! So, Saturdays are what I call “relax day.” Its my only day off and its usually spent hanging out with friends, family, or going out places with my boyfriend.

This past Saturday was another one of those. It was uber relaxed. For the last year, I haven’t really been wearing makeup (besides filling my brows or putting on lipstick) and it has been good for my skin. So, all 2019, I want to keep that same energy of not feeling pressured to beat my face before leaving the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love makeup but I like clear skin as well.

Top & Jeans are thrifted

Backpack: Calvin Klein

Booties: Charlotte Russe

Hat: H&M

Thats all! Hope you liked loves!

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Shay! Bye!
