Photojournalism Project

Photojournalism Project

Hello friends! It has been a few weeks since I’ve last uploaded and I’m not upset about that. In the past, I would be freaking out that I haven’t uploaded something in a couple of weeks but, I needed a break.

The semester is over and the holidays are as well. This time of year is hectic and I spent it relaxing but now, I’m ready to get back into the swing of things. I’ve been writing and planning out everything I want to do in 2019 and how to execute them! I’ll be writing a post about it soon so, stay tuned!

Anyways, this post is just sharing my final project for my photojournalism class. I loved the way this project came out! It was fun creating it and it pushed me to wanting to do more projects like this in the future.

So, the project had to be a photo essay, focusing on either a movement or telling a story. I (after listening to Beyonce) decided to tell a story of black women overcoming negative stigmas about them and accepting themselves, their beauty, and uniqueness.

Here it is!

That’s all! I hope you like it!

I want to do more storytelling photoshoots in 2019 and work on my skills. I love storytelling and not only do I want to make films but, I want to do make photos that are still films!

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IG @ sjkaine. Twitter @ shayiscool & @qurikyncool. Snapchat @ uncool_shaaay. Pinterest @ shennamu


Shay! Bye!
